What's a Day Like in the Microschool?

Two young girls on a couch reading

Dream It.

We start the day with encouragement, motivation, and morning prayer before beginning our academic work. 


Students have time to ease into the morning with music and a peaceful activity such as quietly drawing or stretching, anything that helps them to pleasantly transition into the day.


With the option of writing freely or using a guided prompt, they use gratitude journals to reflect on things for which they are thankful.


This part of the morning rotates each day. Sometimes we have a brief lesson from the Bible. Other times we discuss someone (past or present) who has done something incredible to impact the world. Students will learn to make S.M.A.R.T. goals and be encouraged to create and share a weekly goal.

Boys doing activity

Plan It.

Here's where we give students the tools they need to pursue their dreams and conquer their goals. They learn math, language arts, and critical thinking skills.

Mixed Age Groups

Since our groups consist of mixed ages, we use a blended learning model. A portion of this time is used for instruction and bookwork in small groups, and another portion consists of self-paced, online enrichment.

In a 2nd-4th grade math class, for example, each learning level has instruction time with a guide while the other students work in an online program. All students rotate between time with a guide and independent enrichment time. 

While this may seem like a short amount of time for instruction, our small group sizes allow for more time and attention per student. Also, enrichment time doesn’t have to be entirely online. Students are welcome to play with hands-on math materials during this time.

Language arts operate similarly, with many opportunities for students to practice reading to each other and analyze books using literary elements.

Struggling and Advanced Learners

If a student needs more help in a particular area, we can send home reinforcement assignments and, if needed, move them to a group that’s more fitting. At Creation Acre, students are not shamed for operating on the level that is best for them. 

That’s what’s great about the independent enrichment time. Incorporating an online program gives students a personalized experience. It’s important to us that we meet students where they are and get them where they need to be. In the same way, students who are advanced can move up in any subject without age or grade restrictions.

A Note on Math

We use curricula that teach mental math and prepare children to take on higher levels of math with ease. It may not line up with the way we (parents) were taught, but it will give students an incredible mathematical foundation and a competitive edge in their learning. This is less important in the early years, but we believe solid training in mental math concepts will equip students to excel in future endeavors, whether that be for competition math, SATs, college classes, or math-centered careers. We will never send home assignments without helping parents to understand the concepts if necessary. Always reach out if you have questions or could use extra help.


Build It.

Learning for the sake of learning isn’t very exciting, but using knowledge to do what energizes us is a wonderful experience! We explore STEM, art, history, and the Bible, all with an emphasis on student-directed projects.

Thinkers Hub

This is an extension of language arts where students have guided discussions on age-appropriate current events and examine books through Socratic discussion. We don’t discuss controversial politics or subjects that are personal to each family. Instead, we use this time to strengthen critical thinking skills and engage in literature in a fun way.

Independent Studies

Students have the option to complete an independent study in an area of interest. Maybe they want to work on a fascinating science project beyond what the group is doing. Or maybe they want to study the evolution of text messaging. Whatever it is that’s interesting to them, we will help them learn about it and come up with a project and presentation idea for sharing with others. These can range from simple, one-day projects to very detailed, semester-long projects. Therefore, the materials and supplies for independent studies will be the responsibility of the parents.

Electives Taught by Experts

While we offer electives taught by our team, there will be times when we want to consider additional electives that require hiring an expert. For example, American sign language, advanced cooking lessons, or instrument lessons, would call for an outside teacher. As a group, staff and parents can decide if this is something we’d like to pursue. We would share the cost among all interested families, and these will always be optional.