Our Microschool

What is a Microschool?

A microschool is a small community of learners that meet to engage in a specific academic area or an entire curriculum. "Micro" refers to the number of students and certainly not the impact of the environment. It offers an alternative to the traditional classroom setting and allows students to thrive academically in an empowering, collaborative community. 

Our K-7th microschool offers a full academic curriculum and fun electives. We operate as a private school and allow homeschooled students to co-enroll in our program. Anyone interested in enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year should apply for the Opportunity Scholarship. Keep reading to learn why Creation Acre is different and to decide if we're a fit for your family!

Inspired by Prenda schools (check out this video!)

What makes our program different?


The beauty of this program is that students truly learn to take the lead in their education. We guide them, assist them, and help them where they struggle, but they determine how they learn and which passions and projects they want to pursue.


There's something amazing about learning with a purpose in mind! We teach core subjects as a foundation and guide students in applying that knowledge to exciting and engaging projects of their choice. We teach goal-setting and executive functioning to help students plan and implement projects.


We believe in God as the Creator of all things, and we have a biblical worldview. During our morning motivation and gratitude journal time, we reference the Bible and play Christian music. Students work on compassion projects as a way to give back to the community and show love. Religion isn't the focus of every class, but the culture of the microschool is meant to reflect the heart of Christ.

Customized Learning

Struggling learners are helped at a pace that works for them. At the same time, gifted learners are given an advanced curriculum that pushes them even further. Each child is a valued member of our close-knit community as we help each other see and appreciate everyone’s unique gifts.



How we approach student-led learning, religion, homeschooling and more

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2024-2025 registration opens on March 11th.


A Typical Day


Our days are divided into three sections, all designed to bring an empowering, student-led learning experience.

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